HGH Consulting


Ancient and Modern

Dominic Lunnon, hgh Principal Planner, shares the history behind a new development in London’s Bethnal Green.

The London Chest Hospital in Bethnal Green was one of those great Victorian institutions that embodied what was at the time leading design and technology. Like many other such buildings, it was unsympathetically added to over the years, and eventually declared redundant in 2015.

It lends itself well to conversion to housing and the development of new housing in parts of the grounds, and planning permission and Listed Building consent were granted to Crest in 2020.

Ancient Mulberry Tree

Unfortunately, the developers underestimated the amount of public affection for a gnarled old mulberry tree in the middle of the site. They proposed to keep it, but to relocate it elsewhere within the site. Enraged objectors went to the High Court and persuaded the judge that the Planning Committee had not been properly advised about the risks to the tree, and the Court quashed the planning permission. Several more years of vacancy and increasing dereliction followed, until Latimer by Clarion Housing Group took control of the site in 2022.

Flagship Scheme

Latimer appointed a high-quality professional team, including AHMM as architects and hgh Consulting as planning consultants. We devised a new scheme, which keeps even more of the Listed hospital building, and – crucially – not only leaves the mulberry tree untouched, but surrounds it with protective landscaping. The new scheme delivers 274 flats, with 50% affordable housing.

Tower Hamlets Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission and Listed Building consent on 16 July, and we are now seeking early sign off by the GLA. Latimer hope to make an early start on building out what will be their flagship scheme.

Image courtesy of AHMM Architects


Dominic Lunnon, Principal Planner, hgh Consulting
[email protected]

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